We are working very hard to make LeRoy the youthful voice of the Old South, and he is getting notice in all kinds of wonderful places...
This is from Georgia Public Broadcasting: https://tinyurl.com/y8pfzy4s and includes me talking about LeRoy. I got to meet the interviewer, Sophie Peel, at the first event that we held in Macon, which was so nice of her to attend!
We don't know when it is going to be on their schedule, but my presentation will be on C-Span's American History programming. I'll let you know when that happens.
But THIS is the latest:
LeRoy's diary has been selected by Amazon to be featured on its Flagship page and a Gold Box Kindle deal for ONE DAY!
You can download The War Outside My Window for a reduced price of $2.99 on their US site for this one day only! This is a very significant honor for the book, and for spreading the word about LeRoy and his remarkable life! Let your friends and family know that they can also get to know LeRoy and his family!
Interested in all kinds of history? Well, LeRoy is being selected by the History Book Club as a new selection as well!
This is also a big honor for the book!
Both of these selections are difficult to achieve, and I am so pleased that The War Outside My Window is getting such superb publicity from all kinds of different sources! Radio, print, C-Span, Amazon, book clubs... and I don't think we are quite done yet!
Stay tuned... I still need to post the tour pictures...! They're wonderful!